The official residence of the Hawaiian Monarchy
Iolani Palace, the official residence of Hawaii’s monarchy, is a marvel of opulence, innovation and political intrigue. Meticulously restored to its former grandeur, this National Historic Landmark in downtown Honolulu tells of a time when their Majesties, King Kalakaua, who built the palace in 1882, and his sister and successor, Queen Liliuokalani, walked its celebrated halls.
Following the overthrow of the monarchy, Provisional Government officials inventoried the contents of Iolani Palace and sold all of the furniture or furnishings that were not suitable for government operations at public auction. The Friends of Iolani Palace, as part of its mission to preserve, restore, and share the spirit of Iolani Palace, has endeavored to find, recover, and preserve original Palace and monarchy furnishings and objects, many of which have been scattered throughout the world.
Today, you can enjoy one of the most spectacular living restorations in all of Polynesia and immerse yourself in Hawaii’s royal heritage.