
Sunset Pillbox Hike / Ehukai Pillbox Trail (‘Ehukai)

Great North Shore trail for sunsets

Moderate2.3 mi / 1 – 1.5 hrOn a dry day near sunset
Shady forest without creeks738 ftOut & Back

The Overview

The Ehukai Pillbox Hike, also known as the Sunset Pillboxes, is an easy hike up to an old pillbox located on the North Shore of Oahu. After a long day sunny day at Ehukai Beach, try this hike for a great sunset to cap off your day. At the top you’ll find beautiful views over Banzai Pipeline and the North Shore. Overall, it’s a pretty well graded trail but if your hiking after a recent rainfall it will be a little slippery and muddy, so be careful. You’ll encounter 2 old military pillboxes on this trail. You’ll get the best views from the second pillbox.

The Hike

You’ll begin your hike to the Ehukai Pillboxes in the parking lot of Sunset Beach Elementary School right across the road from Ehukai Beach Park. As you walk up the lot look for an orange sign before the trailhead to begin.

The beginning the hike is quite easy on a well graded bath surrounded by thin trees with the exposed roots weeding through the dirt path. As you go up it the grade will progressively become steeper. As you start to proceed to the steeper sections, you’ll be aided by steps and ropes to help you up the trail.

As it starts to flatten out again you’ll come to a colorful picnic table where the trees begin to clear and you can start enjoying some of the beautiful North Shore views. At this point your only a few minutes from the first pillbox. The trail does start to split off at this point so make sure you head east (left to make it to the pillbox).

Once you’re there enjoy some amazing views, if you come around sunset you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful sunset to your left. Take your pictures and explore inside the pillbox to get a look at all the standard graffiti that comes with pillbox hikes.

To get to the second, more famous pillbox with the peace sign, continue further and head down through the tall grass. The trail splinters and becomes even more hazy from here so just stick to the ridge and be mindful not to head up the mountain. A few minutes later you’ll be rewarded with best photo-op the trail offers with clear panoramic views of the North Shores Seven-Mile Miracle. Be aware the second pillbox is said to be on private land, you’ll come across some private property signs if you choose to make it there.

The Parking at Sunset Pillbox Hike

Parking is available at Ehukai Beach Park.

The Route Map
